Isoform Positions

Isoform Protein Position Transcript Position Chromosomal Position (HG38) Chromosomal Position (HG19)
IC1415642691;42692;42693 chr2:178634033;178634032;178634031chr2:179498760;179498759;179498758
N2AB1251537768;37769;37770 chr2:178634033;178634032;178634031chr2:179498760;179498759;179498758
N2A1158834987;34988;34989 chr2:178634033;178634032;178634031chr2:179498760;179498759;179498758
N2B509115496;15497;15498 chr2:178634033;178634032;178634031chr2:179498760;179498759;179498758
Novex-1521615871;15872;15873 chr2:178634033;178634032;178634031chr2:179498760;179498759;179498758
Novex-2528316072;16073;16074 chr2:178634033;178634032;178634031chr2:179498760;179498759;179498758
Novex-3NoneNone chr2:Nonechr2:None


  • RefSeq wild type amino acid: G
  • RefSeq wild type transcript codon: GGT
  • RefSeq wild type template codon: CCA
  • Domain: Ig-92
  • Domain position: 15
  • Structural Position: 24
  • Q(SASA): 0.3203
  • Predicted PPI site: N

Reported SAVs

Site annotation
Predicted PPI site
G/C rs878994668 None 1.0 D 0.802 0.646 None gnomAD-3.1.2 6.58E-06 None None None None N None 0 0 0 0 0 None 0 0 1.47E-05 0 0
G/C rs878994668 None 1.0 D 0.802 0.646 None gnomAD-4.0.0 1.85985E-06 None None None None N None 0 0 None 0 0 None 0 0 2.54351E-06 0 0
G/D rs574305853 -1.281 1.0 D 0.789 0.691 None gnomAD-2.1.1 8.06E-06 None None None None N None 1.29249E-04 0 None 0 0 None 0 None 0 0 0
G/D rs574305853 -1.281 1.0 D 0.789 0.691 None gnomAD-3.1.2 1.32E-05 None None None None N None 4.83E-05 0 0 0 0 None 0 0 0 0 0
G/D rs574305853 -1.281 1.0 D 0.789 0.691 None gnomAD-4.0.0 1.85988E-06 None None None None N None 2.6723E-05 0 None 0 0 None 0 0 8.47844E-07 0 0
G/R None None 0.953 D 0.657 0.587 0.573134939963 gnomAD-4.0.0 1.36889E-06 None None None None N None 0 0 None 0 0 None 0 0 1.79937E-06 0 0
G/S rs878994668 -1.08 1.0 D 0.786 0.647 0.571763288708 gnomAD-2.1.1 8.06E-06 None None None None N None 0 0 None 0 0 None 3.27E-05 None 0 0 1.66279E-04
G/S rs878994668 -1.08 1.0 D 0.786 0.647 0.571763288708 gnomAD-4.0.0 2.05334E-06 None None None None N None 0 0 None 0 0 None 0 0 0 2.31938E-05 1.65761E-05
G/V rs574305853 None 1.0 D 0.788 0.723 0.757253434703 gnomAD-4.0.0 6.8444E-07 None None None None N None 0 0 None 0 0 None 0 0 8.99687E-07 0 0

Saturation Mutagenesis

AlphaMissense (IC)
AlphaMissense Class (IC)
AlphaMissense (N2AB)
AlphaMissense Class (N2AB)
mCSM class
PolyPhen-2 Class
Rhapsody Class
Condel Score
Site annotation
Predicted PPI site
G/A 0.5976 likely_pathogenic 0.5266 ambiguous -0.586 Destabilizing 1.0 D 0.67 neutral D 0.621115702 None None N
G/C 0.7974 likely_pathogenic 0.7694 pathogenic -0.991 Destabilizing 1.0 D 0.802 deleterious D 0.708543919 None None N
G/D 0.6497 likely_pathogenic 0.6215 pathogenic -1.037 Destabilizing 1.0 D 0.789 deleterious D 0.634444837 None None N
G/E 0.6996 likely_pathogenic 0.6612 pathogenic -1.194 Destabilizing 1.0 D 0.771 deleterious None None None None N
G/F 0.9426 likely_pathogenic 0.9396 pathogenic -1.226 Destabilizing 1.0 D 0.823 deleterious None None None None N
G/H 0.8456 likely_pathogenic 0.8642 pathogenic -0.838 Destabilizing 1.0 D 0.817 deleterious None None None None N
G/I 0.9541 likely_pathogenic 0.9337 pathogenic -0.643 Destabilizing 1.0 D 0.823 deleterious None None None None N
G/K 0.744 likely_pathogenic 0.7953 pathogenic -1.12 Destabilizing 1.0 D 0.765 deleterious None None None None N
G/L 0.9157 likely_pathogenic 0.891 pathogenic -0.643 Destabilizing 1.0 D 0.78 deleterious None None None None N
G/M 0.9116 likely_pathogenic 0.892 pathogenic -0.519 Destabilizing 1.0 D 0.797 deleterious None None None None N
G/N 0.6441 likely_pathogenic 0.6195 pathogenic -0.768 Destabilizing 1.0 D 0.792 deleterious None None None None N
G/P 0.9976 likely_pathogenic 0.9971 pathogenic -0.59 Destabilizing 1.0 D 0.812 deleterious None None None None N
G/Q 0.771 likely_pathogenic 0.7838 pathogenic -1.107 Destabilizing 1.0 D 0.812 deleterious None None None None N
G/R 0.6742 likely_pathogenic 0.7143 pathogenic -0.598 Destabilizing 0.953 D 0.657 neutral D 0.567123456 None None N
G/S 0.4524 ambiguous 0.3812 ambiguous -0.902 Destabilizing 1.0 D 0.786 deleterious D 0.633326849 None None N
G/T 0.755 likely_pathogenic 0.6943 pathogenic -1.002 Destabilizing 1.0 D 0.771 deleterious None None None None N
G/V 0.9112 likely_pathogenic 0.8712 pathogenic -0.59 Destabilizing 1.0 D 0.788 deleterious D 0.708766789 None None N
G/W 0.8515 likely_pathogenic 0.8741 pathogenic -1.362 Destabilizing 1.0 D 0.794 deleterious None None None None N
G/Y 0.8707 likely_pathogenic 0.875 pathogenic -1.042 Destabilizing 1.0 D 0.823 deleterious None None None None N

Titin has multiple isoforms, the longest being the theoretical IC (inferred complete) isoform which contains all 363 in-frame titin exons. Here all isoform positions have been mapped onto the IC sequence, with an exception being the C-terminal of the much shorter novex-3 isoform. This contains the out of frame exon 48 which cannot be mapped to the other isoforms.