Isoform Positions

Isoform Protein Position Transcript Position Chromosomal Position (HG38) Chromosomal Position (HG19)
IC1481244659;44660;44661 chr2:178625387;178625386;178625385chr2:179490114;179490113;179490112
N2AB1317139736;39737;39738 chr2:178625387;178625386;178625385chr2:179490114;179490113;179490112
N2A1224436955;36956;36957 chr2:178625387;178625386;178625385chr2:179490114;179490113;179490112
N2B574717464;17465;17466 chr2:178625387;178625386;178625385chr2:179490114;179490113;179490112
Novex-1587217839;17840;17841 chr2:178625387;178625386;178625385chr2:179490114;179490113;179490112
Novex-2593918040;18041;18042 chr2:178625387;178625386;178625385chr2:179490114;179490113;179490112
Novex-3NoneNone chr2:Nonechr2:None


  • RefSeq wild type amino acid: R
  • RefSeq wild type transcript codon: CGT
  • RefSeq wild type template codon: GCA
  • Domain: Ig-99
  • Domain position: 48
  • Structural Position: 125
  • Q(SASA): 0.5653
  • Predicted PPI site: N

Reported SAVs

Site annotation
Predicted PPI site
R/C rs745698096 -0.196 1.0 D 0.688 0.473 0.763848737128 gnomAD-2.1.1 4.69E-06 None None None None N None 0 0 None 0 0 None 0 None 0 9.84E-06 0
R/C rs745698096 -0.196 1.0 D 0.688 0.473 0.763848737128 gnomAD-4.0.0 3.51418E-06 None None None None N None 0 0 None 0 0 None 0 0 1.8226E-06 3.84724E-05 0
R/H rs375574483 -0.938 1.0 N 0.611 0.376 None gnomAD-2.1.1 4.5E-05 None None None None N None 4.59E-05 0 None 0 1.84525E-04 None 0 None 0 5.15E-05 1.65125E-04
R/H rs375574483 -0.938 1.0 N 0.611 0.376 None gnomAD-3.1.2 3.3E-05 None None None None N None 4.84E-05 6.58E-05 0 0 0 None 0 0 2.95E-05 0 0
R/H rs375574483 -0.938 1.0 N 0.611 0.376 None gnomAD-4.0.0 4.19527E-05 None None None None N None 6.92828E-05 1.91872E-05 None 0 9.41664E-05 None 0 0 4.5513E-05 1.21051E-05 3.28526E-05
R/S rs745698096 -0.253 0.996 N 0.635 0.377 0.455081427078 gnomAD-2.1.1 4.69E-06 None None None None N None 0 0 None 0 6.71E-05 None 0 None 0 0 0
R/S rs745698096 -0.253 0.996 N 0.635 0.377 0.455081427078 gnomAD-3.1.2 1.32E-05 None None None None N None 0 0 0 0 3.89257E-04 None 0 0 0 0 0
R/S rs745698096 -0.253 0.996 N 0.635 0.377 0.455081427078 gnomAD-4.0.0 1.14326E-05 None None None None N None 0 0 None 0 4.21506E-04 None 0 0 0 0 0

Saturation Mutagenesis

AlphaMissense (IC)
AlphaMissense Class (IC)
AlphaMissense (N2AB)
AlphaMissense Class (N2AB)
mCSM class
PolyPhen-2 Class
Rhapsody Class
Condel Score
Site annotation
Predicted PPI site
R/A 0.4179 ambiguous 0.461 ambiguous -0.087 Destabilizing 0.992 D 0.583 neutral None None None None N
R/C 0.1825 likely_benign 0.2148 benign -0.111 Destabilizing 1.0 D 0.688 prob.neutral D 0.577836826 None None N
R/D 0.719 likely_pathogenic 0.7749 pathogenic 0.037 Stabilizing 0.999 D 0.682 prob.neutral None None None None N
R/E 0.4259 ambiguous 0.482 ambiguous 0.106 Stabilizing 0.992 D 0.533 neutral None None None None N
R/F 0.4596 ambiguous 0.5209 ambiguous -0.276 Destabilizing 1.0 D 0.688 prob.neutral None None None None N
R/G 0.3074 likely_benign 0.3595 ambiguous -0.303 Destabilizing 0.998 D 0.602 neutral D 0.551394562 None None N
R/H 0.0945 likely_benign 0.1072 benign -0.808 Destabilizing 1.0 D 0.611 neutral N 0.495908571 None None N
R/I 0.2242 likely_benign 0.2698 benign 0.45 Stabilizing 1.0 D 0.712 prob.delet. None None None None N
R/K 0.1146 likely_benign 0.1287 benign -0.071 Destabilizing 0.611 D 0.229 neutral None None None None N
R/L 0.2445 likely_benign 0.2803 benign 0.45 Stabilizing 0.998 D 0.602 neutral N 0.509837177 None None N
R/M 0.3048 likely_benign 0.3682 ambiguous 0.093 Stabilizing 1.0 D 0.645 neutral None None None None N
R/N 0.5895 likely_pathogenic 0.6693 pathogenic 0.286 Stabilizing 0.999 D 0.601 neutral None None None None N
R/P 0.9076 likely_pathogenic 0.9116 pathogenic 0.292 Stabilizing 1.0 D 0.701 prob.neutral D 0.618071929 None None N
R/Q 0.1141 likely_benign 0.132 benign 0.133 Stabilizing 0.998 D 0.605 neutral None None None None N
R/S 0.4785 ambiguous 0.5469 ambiguous -0.167 Destabilizing 0.996 D 0.635 neutral N 0.470761114 None None N
R/T 0.2632 likely_benign 0.3165 benign 0.044 Stabilizing 0.999 D 0.657 neutral None None None None N
R/V 0.2993 likely_benign 0.3355 benign 0.292 Stabilizing 0.999 D 0.704 prob.neutral None None None None N
R/W 0.1842 likely_benign 0.2219 benign -0.253 Destabilizing 1.0 D 0.671 neutral None None None None N
R/Y 0.3505 ambiguous 0.4208 ambiguous 0.15 Stabilizing 1.0 D 0.7 prob.neutral None None None None N

Titin has multiple isoforms, the longest being the theoretical IC (inferred complete) isoform which contains all 363 in-frame titin exons. Here all isoform positions have been mapped onto the IC sequence, with an exception being the C-terminal of the much shorter novex-3 isoform. This contains the out of frame exon 48 which cannot be mapped to the other isoforms.