Isoform Positions

Isoform Protein Position Transcript Position Chromosomal Position (HG38) Chromosomal Position (HG19)
IC2391171956;71957;71958 chr2:178574401;178574400;178574399chr2:179439128;179439127;179439126
N2AB2227067033;67034;67035 chr2:178574401;178574400;178574399chr2:179439128;179439127;179439126
N2A2134364252;64253;64254 chr2:178574401;178574400;178574399chr2:179439128;179439127;179439126
N2B1484644761;44762;44763 chr2:178574401;178574400;178574399chr2:179439128;179439127;179439126
Novex-11497145136;45137;45138 chr2:178574401;178574400;178574399chr2:179439128;179439127;179439126
Novex-21503845337;45338;45339 chr2:178574401;178574400;178574399chr2:179439128;179439127;179439126
Novex-3NoneNone chr2:Nonechr2:None


  • RefSeq wild type amino acid: K
  • RefSeq wild type transcript codon: AAG
  • RefSeq wild type template codon: TTC
  • Domain: Fn3-61
  • Domain position: 86
  • Structural Position: 119
  • Q(SASA): 0.521
  • Predicted PPI site: I

Reported SAVs

Site annotation
Predicted PPI site
K/E rs763131148 0.441 0.977 N 0.627 0.281 0.317667799068 gnomAD-2.1.1 8.05E-06 None None None None I None 0 0 None 0 0 None 0 None 0 1.78E-05 0
K/E rs763131148 0.441 0.977 N 0.627 0.281 0.317667799068 gnomAD-3.1.2 3.29E-05 None None None None I None 0 0 0 0 0 None 0 0 7.35E-05 0 0
K/E rs763131148 0.441 0.977 N 0.627 0.281 0.317667799068 gnomAD-4.0.0 3.03697E-05 None None None None I None 0 0 None 0 0 None 0 0 3.98429E-05 0 3.20277E-05
K/Q None None 0.993 N 0.726 0.306 0.229924730088 gnomAD-3.1.2 6.57E-06 None None None None I None 2.41E-05 0 0 0 0 None 0 0 0 0 0
K/Q None None 0.993 N 0.726 0.306 0.229924730088 gnomAD-4.0.0 6.57307E-06 None None None None I None 2.41266E-05 0 None 0 0 None 0 0 0 0 0
K/R rs570788965 0.005 0.235 N 0.327 0.149 0.21737058555 gnomAD-3.1.2 1.31E-05 None None None None I None 0 0 0 0 3.86847E-04 None 0 0 0 0 0
K/R rs570788965 0.005 0.235 N 0.327 0.149 0.21737058555 1000 genomes 3.99361E-04 None None None None I None 0 0 None None 2E-03 0 None None None 0 None
K/R rs570788965 0.005 0.235 N 0.327 0.149 0.21737058555 gnomAD-4.0.0 3.84378E-06 None None None None I None 0 0 None 0 7.27979E-05 None 0 0 0 0 0

Saturation Mutagenesis

AlphaMissense (IC)
AlphaMissense Class (IC)
AlphaMissense (N2AB)
AlphaMissense Class (N2AB)
mCSM class
PolyPhen-2 Class
Rhapsody Class
Condel Score
Site annotation
Predicted PPI site
K/A 0.4793 ambiguous 0.5081 ambiguous 0.006 Stabilizing 0.983 D 0.664 neutral None None None None I
K/C 0.785 likely_pathogenic 0.7955 pathogenic -0.298 Destabilizing 1.0 D 0.746 deleterious None None None None I
K/D 0.7939 likely_pathogenic 0.8038 pathogenic 0.001 Stabilizing 0.998 D 0.751 deleterious None None None None I
K/E 0.3999 ambiguous 0.429 ambiguous 0.013 Stabilizing 0.977 D 0.627 neutral N 0.441980888 None None I
K/F 0.8415 likely_pathogenic 0.8628 pathogenic -0.208 Destabilizing 1.0 D 0.712 prob.delet. None None None None I
K/G 0.6406 likely_pathogenic 0.6544 pathogenic -0.186 Destabilizing 0.998 D 0.685 prob.neutral None None None None I
K/H 0.4626 ambiguous 0.471 ambiguous -0.388 Destabilizing 0.999 D 0.685 prob.neutral None None None None I
K/I 0.4319 ambiguous 0.5025 ambiguous 0.431 Stabilizing 0.998 D 0.733 prob.delet. None None None None I
K/L 0.4312 ambiguous 0.479 ambiguous 0.431 Stabilizing 0.995 D 0.685 prob.neutral None None None None I
K/M 0.3706 ambiguous 0.412 ambiguous 0.098 Stabilizing 1.0 D 0.688 prob.neutral N 0.481510549 None None I
K/N 0.656 likely_pathogenic 0.6933 pathogenic 0.123 Stabilizing 0.993 D 0.727 prob.delet. N 0.474420204 None None I
K/P 0.5333 ambiguous 0.5582 ambiguous 0.316 Stabilizing 0.999 D 0.74 deleterious None None None None I
K/Q 0.2169 likely_benign 0.2296 benign -0.006 Destabilizing 0.993 D 0.726 prob.delet. N 0.510899468 None None I
K/R 0.1004 likely_benign 0.098 benign -0.065 Destabilizing 0.235 N 0.327 neutral N 0.481000636 None None I
K/S 0.5881 likely_pathogenic 0.6261 pathogenic -0.323 Destabilizing 0.983 D 0.693 prob.neutral None None None None I
K/T 0.354 ambiguous 0.3984 ambiguous -0.163 Destabilizing 0.997 D 0.722 prob.delet. N 0.469393775 None None I
K/V 0.4143 ambiguous 0.4731 ambiguous 0.316 Stabilizing 0.998 D 0.739 prob.delet. None None None None I
K/W 0.8806 likely_pathogenic 0.8713 pathogenic -0.26 Destabilizing 1.0 D 0.741 deleterious None None None None I
K/Y 0.7403 likely_pathogenic 0.7458 pathogenic 0.095 Stabilizing 0.999 D 0.745 deleterious None None None None I

Titin has multiple isoforms, the longest being the theoretical IC (inferred complete) isoform which contains all 363 in-frame titin exons. Here all isoform positions have been mapped onto the IC sequence, with an exception being the C-terminal of the much shorter novex-3 isoform. This contains the out of frame exon 48 which cannot be mapped to the other isoforms.