Isoform Positions

Isoform Protein Position Transcript Position Chromosomal Position (HG38) Chromosomal Position (HG19)
IC2568377272;77273;77274 chr2:178569085;178569084;178569083chr2:179433812;179433811;179433810
N2AB2404272349;72350;72351 chr2:178569085;178569084;178569083chr2:179433812;179433811;179433810
N2A2311569568;69569;69570 chr2:178569085;178569084;178569083chr2:179433812;179433811;179433810
N2B1661850077;50078;50079 chr2:178569085;178569084;178569083chr2:179433812;179433811;179433810
Novex-11674350452;50453;50454 chr2:178569085;178569084;178569083chr2:179433812;179433811;179433810
Novex-21681050653;50654;50655 chr2:178569085;178569084;178569083chr2:179433812;179433811;179433810
Novex-3NoneNone chr2:Nonechr2:None


  • RefSeq wild type amino acid: I
  • RefSeq wild type transcript codon: ATT
  • RefSeq wild type template codon: TAA
  • Domain: Fn3-74
  • Domain position: 83
  • Structural Position: 117
  • Q(SASA): 0.3859
  • Predicted PPI site: I

Reported SAVs

Site annotation
Predicted PPI site
I/F rs375611562 -1.308 0.073 N 0.583 0.215 0.424549175451 gnomAD-2.1.1 8.05E-06 None None None None I None 0 0 None 0 0 None 0 None 0 1.78E-05 0
I/F rs375611562 -1.308 0.073 N 0.583 0.215 0.424549175451 gnomAD-4.0.0 1.36873E-06 None None None None I None 0 0 None 0 0 None 0 1.73611E-04 0 0 1.65717E-05
I/M rs755225678 -0.533 None N 0.339 0.072 0.19670166235 gnomAD-2.1.1 4.02E-06 None None None None I None 0 0 None 0 0 None 0 None 0 8.89E-06 0
I/M rs755225678 -0.533 None N 0.339 0.072 0.19670166235 gnomAD-3.1.2 6.57E-06 None None None None I None 0 0 0 0 0 None 0 0 1.47E-05 0 0
I/M rs755225678 -0.533 None N 0.339 0.072 0.19670166235 gnomAD-4.0.0 4.06001E-06 None None None None I None 0 0 None 0 0 None 0 0 4.81989E-06 0 0
I/S None None 0.283 N 0.635 0.35 0.640388181781 gnomAD-4.0.0 1.59208E-06 None None None None I None 0 0 None 0 2.77516E-05 None 0 0 0 0 0
I/T rs1707153104 None 0.033 N 0.563 0.255 0.525049811399 gnomAD-4.0.0 1.59208E-06 None None None None I None 0 0 None 0 0 None 0 0 2.85981E-06 0 0
I/V rs375611562 -0.862 None N 0.211 0.065 None gnomAD-2.1.1 1.79E-05 None None None None I None 2.0668E-04 0 None 0 0 None 0 None 0 0 0
I/V rs375611562 -0.862 None N 0.211 0.065 None gnomAD-3.1.2 7.89E-05 None None None None I None 2.65418E-04 0 0 0 0 None 0 0 1.47E-05 0 0
I/V rs375611562 -0.862 None N 0.211 0.065 None gnomAD-4.0.0 1.17771E-05 None None None None I None 2.40372E-04 0 None 0 0 None 0 0 8.47767E-07 0 0

Saturation Mutagenesis

AlphaMissense (IC)
AlphaMissense Class (IC)
AlphaMissense (N2AB)
AlphaMissense Class (N2AB)
mCSM class
PolyPhen-2 Class
Rhapsody Class
Condel Score
Site annotation
Predicted PPI site
I/A 0.2206 likely_benign 0.2273 benign -1.015 Destabilizing 0.03 N 0.495 neutral None None None None I
I/C 0.6199 likely_pathogenic 0.6483 pathogenic -0.864 Destabilizing 0.924 D 0.59 neutral None None None None I
I/D 0.8314 likely_pathogenic 0.8221 pathogenic -0.269 Destabilizing 0.514 D 0.661 neutral None None None None I
I/E 0.697 likely_pathogenic 0.6927 pathogenic -0.341 Destabilizing 0.439 N 0.657 neutral None None None None I
I/F 0.1832 likely_benign 0.2049 benign -0.915 Destabilizing 0.073 N 0.583 neutral N 0.494891089 None None I
I/G 0.6694 likely_pathogenic 0.6709 pathogenic -1.213 Destabilizing 0.343 N 0.649 neutral None None None None I
I/H 0.6241 likely_pathogenic 0.64 pathogenic -0.377 Destabilizing 0.835 D 0.655 neutral None None None None I
I/K 0.4978 ambiguous 0.4934 ambiguous -0.454 Destabilizing 0.015 N 0.651 neutral None None None None I
I/L 0.1281 likely_benign 0.1337 benign -0.6 Destabilizing None N 0.195 neutral N 0.508320523 None None I
I/M 0.1154 likely_benign 0.1234 benign -0.509 Destabilizing None N 0.339 neutral N 0.506917801 None None I
I/N 0.4411 ambiguous 0.4201 ambiguous -0.29 Destabilizing 0.444 N 0.662 neutral N 0.489749301 None None I
I/P 0.5135 ambiguous 0.5315 ambiguous -0.704 Destabilizing 0.763 D 0.663 neutral None None None None I
I/Q 0.5281 ambiguous 0.5425 ambiguous -0.551 Destabilizing 0.178 N 0.665 neutral None None None None I
I/R 0.3666 ambiguous 0.3705 ambiguous 0.142 Stabilizing 0.172 N 0.663 neutral None None None None I
I/S 0.3253 likely_benign 0.3132 benign -0.86 Destabilizing 0.283 N 0.635 neutral N 0.518364159 None None I
I/T 0.1281 likely_benign 0.132 benign -0.82 Destabilizing 0.033 N 0.563 neutral N 0.508128522 None None I
I/V 0.0681 likely_benign 0.0663 benign -0.704 Destabilizing None N 0.211 neutral N 0.437556503 None None I
I/W 0.752 likely_pathogenic 0.7933 pathogenic -0.86 Destabilizing 0.948 D 0.693 prob.neutral None None None None I
I/Y 0.5825 likely_pathogenic 0.6073 pathogenic -0.616 Destabilizing 0.047 N 0.609 neutral None None None None I

Titin has multiple isoforms, the longest being the theoretical IC (inferred complete) isoform which contains all 363 in-frame titin exons. Here all isoform positions have been mapped onto the IC sequence, with an exception being the C-terminal of the much shorter novex-3 isoform. This contains the out of frame exon 48 which cannot be mapped to the other isoforms.