Isoform Positions

Isoform Protein Position Transcript Position Chromosomal Position (HG38) Chromosomal Position (HG19)
IC1689450905;50906;50907 chr2:178611549;178611548;178611547chr2:179476276;179476275;179476274
N2AB1525345982;45983;45984 chr2:178611549;178611548;178611547chr2:179476276;179476275;179476274
N2A1432643201;43202;43203 chr2:178611549;178611548;178611547chr2:179476276;179476275;179476274
N2B782923710;23711;23712 chr2:178611549;178611548;178611547chr2:179476276;179476275;179476274
Novex-1795424085;24086;24087 chr2:178611549;178611548;178611547chr2:179476276;179476275;179476274
Novex-2802124286;24287;24288 chr2:178611549;178611548;178611547chr2:179476276;179476275;179476274
Novex-3NoneNone chr2:Nonechr2:None


  • RefSeq wild type amino acid: V
  • RefSeq wild type transcript codon: GTA
  • RefSeq wild type template codon: CAT
  • Domain: Fn3-11
  • Domain position: 43
  • Structural Position: 50
  • Q(SASA): 0.3701
  • Predicted PPI site: N

Reported SAVs

Site annotation
Predicted PPI site
V/A rs1270525854 -0.957 0.001 N 0.159 0.116 0.243972157842 gnomAD-2.1.1 7.17E-06 None None None None N None 4.14E-05 0 None 0 0 None 0 None 0 7.87E-06 0
V/A rs1270525854 -0.957 0.001 N 0.159 0.116 0.243972157842 gnomAD-3.1.2 6.58E-06 None None None None N None 2.41E-05 0 0 0 0 None 0 0 0 0 0
V/A rs1270525854 -0.957 0.001 N 0.159 0.116 0.243972157842 gnomAD-4.0.0 4.33989E-06 None None None None N None 1.33561E-05 0 None 0 2.23584E-05 None 0 0 4.23967E-06 0 0
V/I rs754878640 -0.452 0.517 N 0.404 0.162 0.290590437066 gnomAD-2.1.1 7.17E-06 None None None None N None 0 2.83E-05 None 0 0 None 0 None 0 7.87E-06 0
V/I rs754878640 -0.452 0.517 N 0.404 0.162 0.290590437066 gnomAD-3.1.2 6.58E-06 None None None None N None 0 0 0 0 0 None 0 0 1.47E-05 0 0
V/I rs754878640 -0.452 0.517 N 0.404 0.162 0.290590437066 gnomAD-4.0.0 1.23998E-06 None None None None N None 0 1.66839E-05 None 0 0 None 0 0 8.47939E-07 0 0
V/L rs754878640 -0.408 0.349 N 0.396 0.165 0.207176502487 gnomAD-2.1.1 8.07E-06 None None None None N None 0 0 None 0 0 None 0 None 0 1.79E-05 0
V/L rs754878640 -0.408 0.349 N 0.396 0.165 0.207176502487 gnomAD-3.1.2 6.58E-06 None None None None N None 0 0 0 0 0 None 0 0 1.47E-05 0 0
V/L rs754878640 -0.408 0.349 N 0.396 0.165 0.207176502487 gnomAD-4.0.0 4.33992E-06 None None None None N None 0 0 None 0 0 None 0 0 5.08763E-06 0 1.60226E-05

Saturation Mutagenesis

AlphaMissense (IC)
AlphaMissense Class (IC)
AlphaMissense (N2AB)
AlphaMissense Class (N2AB)
mCSM class
PolyPhen-2 Class
Rhapsody Class
Condel Score
Site annotation
Predicted PPI site
V/A 0.1073 likely_benign 0.1044 benign -1.187 Destabilizing 0.001 N 0.159 neutral N 0.392961708 None None N
V/C 0.8078 likely_pathogenic 0.8129 pathogenic -0.72 Destabilizing 0.989 D 0.523 neutral None None None None N
V/D 0.5263 ambiguous 0.4511 ambiguous -1.044 Destabilizing 0.961 D 0.659 neutral None None None None N
V/E 0.3461 ambiguous 0.3091 benign -1.117 Destabilizing 0.901 D 0.577 neutral N 0.441240522 None None N
V/F 0.2941 likely_benign 0.2623 benign -1.136 Destabilizing 0.961 D 0.524 neutral None None None None N
V/G 0.2771 likely_benign 0.2415 benign -1.416 Destabilizing 0.565 D 0.549 neutral N 0.433492316 None None N
V/H 0.6947 likely_pathogenic 0.6631 pathogenic -0.972 Destabilizing 0.996 D 0.66 neutral None None None None N
V/I 0.089 likely_benign 0.0909 benign -0.693 Destabilizing 0.517 D 0.404 neutral N 0.45872428 None None N
V/K 0.3526 ambiguous 0.3138 benign -1.026 Destabilizing 0.923 D 0.586 neutral None None None None N
V/L 0.2416 likely_benign 0.2418 benign -0.693 Destabilizing 0.349 N 0.396 neutral N 0.457337303 None None N
V/M 0.1676 likely_benign 0.1664 benign -0.443 Destabilizing 0.987 D 0.485 neutral None None None None N
V/N 0.3452 ambiguous 0.3151 benign -0.714 Destabilizing 0.961 D 0.664 neutral None None None None N
V/P 0.6245 likely_pathogenic 0.5385 ambiguous -0.823 Destabilizing 0.961 D 0.635 neutral None None None None N
V/Q 0.3614 ambiguous 0.3464 ambiguous -0.975 Destabilizing 0.961 D 0.649 neutral None None None None N
V/R 0.357 ambiguous 0.3164 benign -0.409 Destabilizing 0.923 D 0.663 neutral None None None None N
V/S 0.191 likely_benign 0.1823 benign -1.123 Destabilizing 0.633 D 0.553 neutral None None None None N
V/T 0.1624 likely_benign 0.1594 benign -1.099 Destabilizing 0.775 D 0.386 neutral None None None None N
V/W 0.9282 likely_pathogenic 0.9122 pathogenic -1.254 Destabilizing 0.996 D 0.698 prob.neutral None None None None N
V/Y 0.7368 likely_pathogenic 0.7045 pathogenic -0.987 Destabilizing 0.987 D 0.514 neutral None None None None N

Titin has multiple isoforms, the longest being the theoretical IC (inferred complete) isoform which contains all 363 in-frame titin exons. Here all isoform positions have been mapped onto the IC sequence, with an exception being the C-terminal of the much shorter novex-3 isoform. This contains the out of frame exon 48 which cannot be mapped to the other isoforms.